We created a SG from idweb for incident tracking.
MSAI Data Platform DRI: msaidataplatformdri@microsoft.com
Communication Manager
You will potentially be working with a Communication Manager (CM) who is responsible for generating public announcements concerning the outage. They will preview announcements with you to verify accuracy. They typically have templates to help craft the appropriate message and subsequently publish on Facebook, Twitter, etc. You do not need to call the communcation manager. If they are required, they will join the call automatically. Immediately after you are engaged you should obtain answers to the following questions before attempting to drive:
- What the end-user impact? What specifically is the end-user 'badness'. The DRI will often attempt to describe symptoms, abborant components, etc. Since you may not be intimately familar with the specific component and you will potentially need to work with the communication manager to publish a public statement, you need clarity on the specific end-user impact.
- When did it start? It will help you identify potential mitigations (coorelated with someone enabling/disabling a flight, rolling a new build, etc.) and provide essential information to the communication manager. They need to report the start time of the incident.
- What is the scope of the issue? Is it scoped to a given region? A given group of users (e.g. MSA, AAD, GMail)? This will help identify the right DRIs to engage, and provide essential information to the communication manager.
- What has been done this far? Since may need to engage additional DRIs or IMs into this incident, this will help you bring them up to speed.
Incident Manager
We created an incident manager SG from idweb
MSAI Data Platform Incident Manager: msaidataplatformIM@microsoft.com
Anyone can request the Incident Manager to engage in their incident from the Incident Managent Portal, if the severity >=2. From your incident, select the three dots "..." at the top right of the screen (next to Declare Outage), and select Request assistance.
Routing Team and Service
Owning service: MSAI Unified Data Platform
Owning team: MSAI Data Platform Team or Triage
Detailed Search and S+A DRI convergence proposal
Detailed Search and S+A DRI convergence proposal
How to ensure Service onboard to ICM
If a Service hasn't been onboarded to ICM, there is a "Onboard to ICM" in "Link More Applications", you need to click it to onboard to ICM.
After complete onboarding, there will be "Report incident", "View Incident", "Who's oncall" in "Launch Linked Applications"
How to ensure your service associated to a project(e.g. Auriga project)
navigate to ICM portal->Administration->Manage Service, then to "Service Configuration" -> "TFS Profiles" from COnfiguration drop-down and click here; then try to add your project(e.g. Auriga)
more details, please refer to this wiki
How to ensure your project grant ICM Read/Write permission
link to your project setting(e.g. Auriga Project Setting), navigate to "Permission"->Add a ICM Group with "IcM VSO Access Account"