Data Cooking Pipeline Code Repository Migration
We proposed to setup a new code repository for hosting the S+A data cooking pipeline codebase. As part of that, we need to migrate the Search data cooking pipeline codes including scripts, data schemas, functionality implementation and so on from legacy Odin repo to the new Auriga Repo.
For any questions, you could submit your question on the SO link.
Repo source link
- Odin Repo:
- Auriga Repo:
Through the new data repository migiration, we propose to optimize the data cooking pipeline solution infrastructure. We need to figure out these points.
- Goals:
- Migrate the whole codebase to the new Auriga Repo.
- Setup new Azure pipeline(YAML) for the buddy build.
- Deprecate CoreXT environment so that support the VSTS Build on the test agent.
- Convert the .csproj format to VS2017 format.
- Setup the build pipelines (Buddy/Official etc.) on MSAI UDP-Pool.
- Support to deploy from new code repo.
- Non Goals:
- Support the MSBuild 16.
- Enable the code style rules from O364Exchange repo policies.
- Convert code to be compatible with ADL SDK.
- Test cases and pipelines optimization.
New Repo Projects Summary
We need to migrate the csproj projects off the CoreXT environment, convert the csproj format to VS2017 version.
DM.Odin.Impression repo have 35 projects (29 csproj projects + 6 scopeproj projects).
Scope script projects (Need to install ScopeStudio extension in VS)
Project name (.scopeproj) | Path |
OfficeSearchImpressionLibrary | src/private/Pipeline/OfficeSearchImpression |
OfficeSearchSessionLibrary | src/private/Pipeline/OfficeSearchSession |
ImpressionViewLibrary | src/private/View/ImpressionView |
LogicalImpressionViewLibrary | src/private/View/LogicalImpressionView |
SearchSessionViewLibrary | src/private/View/SearchSessionView |
AllViewTestsLibrary | src/private/View/AllViewsTests |
.NET Framework library projects
Project name (.csproj) | Path | Switch from CoreXT to VSTSBuild | Convert to VS2017 | Is Cosmos VC E2E Test |
DataMining.Office.Impression.DataTypes | src/private/Common | Yes | Yes | No |
DataMining.Office.Impression.Utility | src/private/Common | Yes | Yes | No |
SearchImpressionPipeline | src/private/Pipeline/OfficeSearchImpression | Yes | Yes | No |
OfficeSearchImpression.UnitTest | src/private/Pipeline/OfficeSearchImpression | Yes | Yes | No |
OfficeSearchImpressionLibrary.Test | src/private/Pipeline/OfficeSearchImpression | Yes | Yes | Yes |
OfficeSearchSession | src/private/Pipeline/OfficeSearchSession | Yes | Yes | No |
OfficeSearchSession.UnitTest | src/private/Pipeline/OfficeSearchSession | Yes | Yes | No |
OfficeSearchSessionLibrary.Test | src/private/Pipeline/OfficeSearchSession | Yes | Yes | Yes |
AllViewTests | src/private/View/AllViewsTests | Yes | Yes | Yes |
ImpressionView | src/private/View/ImpressionView | Yes | Yes | No |
ImpressionView.UnitTest | src/private/View/ImpressionView | Yes | Yes | Yes |
ImpressionViewLibrary.Test | src/private/View/ImpressionView | Yes | Yes | Yes |
OdinImpressionViewResolver | src/private/View/ImpressionView | Yes | Yes | No |
OdinImpressionViewResolverShared | src/private/View/ImpressionView | Yes | Yes | No |
OdinImpressionViewResolver.UnitTest | src/private/View/ImpressionView | Yes | Yes | No |
LogicalImpressionViewInternal | src/private/View/LogicalImpressionView | Yes | Yes | No |
LogicalImpressionViewLibrary.Tests | src/private/View/LogicalImpressionView | Yes | Yes | Yes |
OdinLogicalImpressionViewResolver | src/private/View/LogicalImpressionView | Yes | Yes | No |
OdinLogicalImpressionViewResolver.UnitTest | src/private/View/LogicalImpressionView | Yes | Yes | No |
MetricSetViews | src/private/View/MetricSetViews | Yes | Yes | No |
MetricSetViews.Test | src/private/View/MetricSetViews | Yes | Yes | Yes |
ScopeTestUtilities | src/private/View/MetricSetViews | Yes | Yes | No |
ScopeTestUtilities.Test | src/private/View/MetricSetViews | Yes | Yes | Yes |
ScorecardUtility | src/private/View/MetricSetViews | Yes | Yes | No |
ScorecardUtility.UnitTest | src/private/View/MetricSetViews | Yes | Yes | No |
SearchSessionView | src/private/View/SearchSessionView | Yes | Yes | No |
SearchSessionView.UnitTest | src/private/View/SearchSessionView | Yes | Yes | Yes |
SearchSessionViewInternal | src/private/View/SearchSessionView | Yes | Yes | No |
SearchSessionViewLibrary.Test | src/private/View/SearchSessionView | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Source Code Migration Steps
Sample Pull Requests
1. Prerequisites
- Visual Studio 2019 Download
- .NET Framework >4.7.2 Runtime Download
- ScopeStudio visx plugin for Visual Studio see // .
- CosmosVC access permissions. Check this OneNote Page.
- A valid Agent Pool. Onboard one or several build agents into the agent pool.
2. Convert csproj format to VS2017 format
- Keep the parity build configuration (AnyCPU)
- Migrate the specific hint path reference from legacy csproj file.
3. Configure the Path Macro definitions
- Define the global Path macro values in Directory.Build.props
- Migrate the other path macro values from the legacy csproj file.
4. Migrate package references from CoreXT to 'PackageReference' Nuget
- Migrate from packages.config to PackageReference
- Configure the specific nuget reference
5. Port the robocopy task to the new project
- You need to confirm if the new solution robocopy/binplace behaviour in parity with legacy projects. Especially, the library files such as .dll, .pdb, .xml and so on.
6. Build and test your new solution
- Build and verify your new solution contains converted projects locally.
- Check and pass the unit test and E2E test locally.
- For the Cosmos access E2E test cases, you need to migrate your implementations from ScopeSDK to ADLs SDK. See the changes in Pull Request 1832289: Add E2E test step in build pipeline.
- Limit the Scope.Run environment to the local environment.
7. Setup Azure Pipeline (Yaml)
- Create a Azure Pipeline yaml file to setup the build pipeline for new Solutions.
- You can kindly onboard your VM to our agent pool to run the build pipeline. Please follow Onboard New Test Agent.
7.1 Build and Unit Test yaml template
# Build and Run the Unit Tests for the SearchDataPipeline solutions
buildPlatform: 'Any CPU' # Build platform
buildConfiguration: 'debug' # Build configuration
solutions: 'src/private/**/*.sln' # Solution paths
projects: 'src/private/**/*.csproj'
runUnitTest: 'true'
- task: NuGetToolInstaller@1
displayName: 'Install NuGet 5.7.x'
versionSpec: '5.7.x'
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Set Nuget magic environment variables'
# Stuff like the NuGet restore step seem to sniff this out and this appears to be the only way to get it to restore the correct architecture
pwsh: false
failOnStderr: true
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PLATFORM]${{parameters.buildPlatform}}"
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Clear NuGet cache
continueOnError: true
pwsh: false
# This seems to randomly fail from time to time; don't want to fail the build on this, goal is just to make sure
# the build machine doesn't run out of space when we download this build's packages. So run it as en exe and just
# ignore any error messages.
failOnStderr: false
targetType: 'inline'
script: nuget locals all -clear
- task: NuGetAuthenticate@1
displayName: 'Nuget Authenticate for Nuget feeds'
nuGetServiceConnections: 'Auriga-BingPacman, Auriga-Cosmos, Auriga-O365, Auriga-CoreXT, Auriga-CoreXTNuget, Auriga-CloudBuild, Auriga-OSSMSFT, Auriga-OSS'
forceReinstallCredentialProvider: true
- task: NuGetCommand@2
displayName: 'Nuget restore'
command: 'restore'
restoreSolution: '${{ parameters.projects }}'
feedsToUse: 'config'
nugetConfigPath: 'nuget.config'
verbosityRestore: 'quiet'
- task: VSBuild@1
displayName: 'Build solutions'
solution: '${{ }}'
platform: '${{ parameters.buildPlatform }}'
configuration: '${{ parameters.buildConfiguration }}'
- task: VSTest@2
displayName: 'Run the unit tests without Cosmos E2E tests.'
condition: and(succeeded(), eq('${{parameters.runUnitTest}}', 'true'))
testSelector: 'testAssemblies'
testAssemblyVer2: |
searchFolder: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)'
runSettingsFile: testsettings/unittests.runsettings
platform: '${{ parameters.buildPlatform }}'
configuration: '${{ parameters.buildConfiguration }}'
7.2 Build and E2E Test yaml
# .NET Desktop
# Build and run tests for .NET Desktop or Windows classic desktop solutions.
# Add steps that publish symbols, save build artifacts, and more:
- master
- job: 'BuildAndTest1'
# Just keep the part 1 of the Cosmos E2E test cases in order to improve the build efficiency.
# This job will execute the cases from:
# - OfficeSearchImpressionLibrary.Test
displayName: 'Build and Test for Data Cooking pipelines Part-1'
timeoutInMinutes: 120
name: MSAI UDP-Pool
- msbuild
- visualstudio
- vstest
- template: build/steps/build-and-unittests.yml
- task: VSTest@2
displayName: 'Run Cosmos E2E Tests'
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/master'))
testSelector: 'testAssemblies'
testAssemblyVer2: |
searchFolder: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)'
runSettingsFile: testsettings/unittests.runsettings
platform: '$(buildPlatform)'
configuration: '$(buildConfiguration)'
- job: 'BuildAndTest2'
# Just keep the part 2 of the Cosmos E2E test cases in order to improve the build efficiency.
# This job will execute the cases from:
# - ImpressionViewLibrary.Test
# - LogicalImpressionViewLibrary.Tests
# - SearchSessionViewLibrary.Test
# - OfficeSearchSessionLibrary.Tests
# - MetricSetViews.Tests
displayName: 'Build and Test for Data Cooking pipelines Part-2'
timeoutInMinutes: 120
name: MSAI UDP-Pool
- msbuild
- visualstudio
- vstest
- template: build/steps/build-and-unittests.yml
- task: VSTest@2
displayName: 'Run Cosmos E2E Tests'
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/master'))
testSelector: 'testAssemblies'
testAssemblyVer2: |
searchFolder: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)'
runSettingsFile: testsettings/unittests.runsettings
platform: '$(buildPlatform)'
configuration: '$(buildConfiguration)'