Development/Deployment Process OIVIC Workspace
Develop Process of OIVIC
Prerequisite: To develop on OIVIC workspace, you need to get the operator permission of OIVIC workspace. Please refer to here.
OIVIC contains Dev, PPE and Prod Enrironments. Listed as below.
Name | Subscription Id | Resource Group | Elevation Required | ev2RootPath |
ODIN DEV | 9ce40ff0-cb61-4fd0-8a84-63a847f44520 | rg-wqjdcihnbcbrm | N | |
OIVIC PPE NAM | 4622f018-2e49-490f-b462-1b990f549058 | o365ccoivicppenam | Y | /target/distrib/deploy/PPEnam/OIVICCuration/eastus2 |
OIVIC PROD NAM | 4622f018-2e49-490f-b462-1b990f549058 | o365ccoivicprodnam | Y | /target/distrib/deploy/PRODnam/OIVICCuration/eastus2 |
OIVIC PPE EUR | 4622f018-2e49-490f-b462-1b990f549058 | o365ccoivicppeeur | Y | /target/distrib/deploy/PPEeur/OIVICCuration/northeurope |
OIVIC PROD EUR | 4622f018-2e49-490f-b462-1b990f549058 | o365ccoivicprodeur | Y | /target/distrib/deploy/PRODeur/OIVICCuration/northeurope |
OIVIC PPE APAC | 4622f018-2e49-490f-b462-1b990f549058 | o365ccoivicppeapac1 | Y | /target/distrib/deploy/PPEapac/OIVICCuration/eastasia |
OIVIC PROD APAC | 4622f018-2e49-490f-b462-1b990f549058 | o365ccoivicprodapac1 | Y | /target/distrib/deploy/PRODapac/OIVICCuration/eastasia |
When you want to do pipeline change in PPE/PROD, you need to update in Dev environment, and then deploy the build to target environment. Please follow the steps:
Create a branch in Dev ADF workspace. The branch will also be created in the related Git repo.
Make your change in Dev workspace and save. You change will be sync to the branch in Git repo.
After testing your change in ADF (guidance), create a PR in Git Repo. Here is a sample.
Check-in your change to master branch, and then do the deployment.
Deploy to PPE/PROD environment via CI/CD
Continuous Integration Pipeline
When your PR completed, a new EuclidOIVIC Official pipeline will be triggered automatically by CI. You can find your name and the title of your PR.
If the pipeline does not been triggered, maybe the CI is disabled when dissatisfy the conditions Q72A: Can I get Continuous Integration (CI) for Daily, please click the Run Pipeline button to queue an official build manually.
Continuous Deployment Pipeline
Go to EuclidOIVIC Deployment Release. Select the specific Build Version release instance. (For example, the v1.0.381.0 version is same with the EuclidOIVIC official build version.)
If the Variable Setup stage succeeds, the deployment stages will be triggered, choose the environment you want to deploy, and click approve button. Then to approve the deployment lockbox, the deployment starts when the lockbox approved. Note: Please don't let the deploy process go past the hour. The duration of deployment is about 10 to 30 minutes. In other words, it is best to triggering the deployment and get lockbox approved between 0 and 30 minutes.
You will receive the lockbox requests for each deployment stage. Contact email recipients to approve the lockbox requests.
Once the lockbox approved, the deployment will finished after the stage succeed. You check the email sent from "O365 Griffin Azure" to monitor the deployment progress.
(optional) Deploy to PROD environment manually
Prerequisite: If you deploy via CI/CD successfully, not need to do these steps.
Queue an official build in pipeline.
Navigate to the specific build pipeline. Go to the Extensions tab and get the version and Drop url.
Run the following commands in DMS
Set-MyTeam oivic $vstsDropUrl = "{drop url}" $ev2RootPath = "{ev2RootPath}" $version = "{version}" $serviceName = 'oivicEuclidPartner' $environmentName = 'Production' Start-GriffinAzureEv2Deployment.ps1 -TenantName "MARS" -ServiceName $serviceName -Ev2ArtifactsRootPath $ev2RootPath -Ev2RolloutSpec "RolloutSpec.json" -VstsDropUrl $vstsDropUrl -EnvironmentName $environmentName -DeploymentVersion $version
- $ev2RootPath is different in different env and region, they are list in the table above.
- $version is only contains number and point, like "", do not contains letter "v".
JIT request will be submitted automatically, ask for approval from team admin.
After approval, your deployment will be started automatically. Please check the email send from "O365 Griffin Azure". You can get the Ev2 link from the email to monitor the deployment progress.